

What U Think and Thank About..U'll Bring About

Posted by ThreeStooges | 2008/04/22 | Category: |

Hye all..lama dah i tak menulis kt sini.Seems i was too bz searching something big and different in this cruel world.yeah..today i wanna share with y'all a little secret..which we do apply it everyday without we noticed most of it.
Did u noticed that something yg korg slalu pk/sebut setiap ari contohnya "adoo..aku xcukup duit bln nih.." or "camnela aku nk byr utang nih.." or maybe something like "mm..aku nk beli baju baru..tp aku xde duit." etc are definitely akan menghantui korg selamanya?msti korg still xphm kn?
Ok.let me brief a little..our brain is the most powerful "object" in the world that we're lucky to have it in our body.it will send an impulse to the universe of whatever we keep thinking (in our brain) everyday..Example..Everyday when we woke up early in the morning,the first thing that go through in our brain is "adoo..malasnya nk kerja." or "msti arini kena marah dgn bos nya".Ok?And believe me or not..that day MUST be one of your bad day in life.Sure u akan kena marah dgn bos..trapped in heavy traffic..spjg ari rasa malas je nk kerja and etc.This is all because of our Mr. Brain.It do send an impulse to the universe saying that "my body malas nk pergi kerja arini.." and "my body want to be scold by his boss today".
The universe communicate with our brain without a limit.Whatever we keep thinking..it WILL definitely happen as u wish.
I dont know whether to trust this thing make us khurafat or not.but as an islamist i prefer to accept this secret dgn memandang ini sbg DOA kita pada Tuhan.SETIAP HARI.Can u imagine..setiap ari u pk yg u xde duit.bgn2 tdo je u pk pasal duit.kurang duit la.utang bykla.nk beli baju baru xdapatla.itu dah mcm doa u y'all pd tuhan.Tuhan adala satu2nya yg Maha Berkuasa dan Maha Memperkenankn Pinta.so when u said it everyday..so dia makbulknla.As u wish.rite?get it?
So..here i suggest y'all to change the way u think.Kalo selama ni asyik dok pikir xde duit.Pasni pikir yg ko nak duit.nk kaya.nk hidup mewah.wat ia hari2.solat lima waktu pun mintak kt Tuhan byk2.InsyaAllah akan dimakbulkn.So always remember this..

"What U Think About and Thank About..U'll Bring About". ok..till then.Bye.

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